I cannot tell you how pleased I am to announce that one of my fave vintage destination has gotten even better since the last time I visited! I’m talking about Bedford Pennsylvania, 3. 5 hours west of Philadelphia and smack dab on the famous Lincoln Highway.
Back in 2003 we trekked to Bedford because I really wanted to vacation at a cabin court motel and New Hampshire, the land of cabin courts, was too far of a drive. A cabin court is basically a motel with little efficiency cottages, or Monopoly Houses as I’ve always liked to call them.
You can read about our stay in the Mod Betty Archives– short version is, we had a great time. (I wrote this for a Delaware independent mag The Bystander. My column, UnChained, was kinda the first iteration of Retro Roadmap now that I think about it!)
There are too many neat little things to write about Bedford that I’m going to break it up into a number of posts, including:
-Lincoln Motor Court!
-Giant Coffee Pot!
-Beautiful Art Deco Gas Station!
-President Buchanan’s Summer White House!
n’ more!
Before I start on that journey, I’ll let you know about the gentleman pictured above, who I refer to as the Pied Piper of the Lincoln Higway.
He actually resides a few miles west of Bedford in Schellsburg, but alerts eastbound travelers that they’re about to enter Bedford and have a swingin’ vintage time! He’s about all that’s left from Storyland, but the owners of the property keep him nicely maintained and we thank them for that.
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