Happy Mothers Day to all the mothers, and folks who have mothers – from the Retro Roadmap family!
I’ll be taking my RetroRoadmum (with RetroRoadsis and niece) to a vintage roadside eatery here in Massachusetts – the Bubbling Brook restaurant in Westwood, MA. It’s a family place that our RetroRoadGram used to take us to. I’m thinking whole belly fried clams and perhaps a lobster roll are in our future -I’ll keep you posted!
(thanks to Flickr pal Elizabeth Thomsen for the photo)
Elizabeth Thomsen
May 8, 2011 at 9:19 amHappy Mother’s Day, and I hope you have a retrogreat time at the Bubbling Brook! I wish I had a photo of this from my childhood (or any old photo of it, for that matter.)
Among other memories I have of the Bubbling Brook is that it inspired one of my childhood family nicknames, Babbling Betty. Apparently I was the talkative one. (Still am, and I may regret sharing this nickname!)
Elizabeth Thomsen
October 17, 2018 at 12:23 pmHappy Mother’s Day, and I hope you have a retrogreat time at the Bubbling Brook! I wish I had a photo of this from my childhood (or any old photo of it, for that matter.)
Among other memories I have of the Bubbling Brook is that it inspired one of my childhood family nicknames, Babbling Betty. Apparently I was the talkative one. (Still am, and I may regret sharing this nickname!)
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