Retro Roadtrippin to the Old Country and Breaking the Technology Loop

Retro Roadmap readers – thought I’d send off a quick post before the tizz of getting ready for a week away totally takes over and I’m rendered totally useless! You see, my mother’s birthday is next week and we somewhat surprised her with a trip to Ireland, and that means Retro Roadhusband and I are going, too.

Now I’m down to the part where I pack up the clothes, repack, fold, refold, put too many things in too many little bags trying to be organized, then can’t find anything, then know no matter what I pack I will totally miss bringing something that will turn out to be vital once we’re over there. See? Totally useless!

I’m also wrassling with the overwhelming technology that we interact with every day, do I want that on vacation?

Should I bring my laptop or leave it at home? What about the cell phone? Kindle? Borrow one? Ipod? how many digital cameras do I bring? How about the video camera? How “connected” do I want to be to home when I’m supposed to be immersing myself in another country? Will I get sidetracked on Facebook, want to post photos via Instagram? What if somebody tweets me and I can’t reply?!

So I think it might be good to break away from the Technology Loop:

I am bringing a couple of printed books, and a travel journal that I actually write in. If I had my Retroness totally in order I would’ve bought some slide film and taken slides to show at a party when we get home, but for now the digital camera will have to do.

But while we’re gone there’s plenty of content for you to explore – check out the dropdown menus, try out the search fields, see what states I haven’t gotten to yet! Find a broken link, add a comment to a thread, make a suggestion!

I’ll be back soon enough photoing, writing, posting, keywording, Facebooking, Tweeting, Instagramming, Pinteresting, Youtubing, Tumblring and all that other modern stuff before you know it.

Later taters!

Mod Betty & Retro Roadhusband

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  • roadsidewonders
    March 22, 2012 at 11:01 pm

    Soak up every minute of Ireland that you can …. everything will still be here when you get home 🙂

    Wishing you safe travels. Have so much fun that you have to pinch yourself hourly!

  • roadsidewonders
    October 17, 2018 at 1:04 pm

    Soak up every minute of Ireland that you can …. everything will still be here when you get home 🙂

    Wishing you safe travels. Have so much fun that you have to pinch yourself hourly!

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