This is too good not to share with the entire Retro Roadmap family!
I got this from a link on the Society for Commercial Archeology’s Facebook Page, and was just thinking how Retro Roadhusband and I are SO overdue in getting our tukkuses out to Portland, to meet up with our West Coast besties from Vintage Roadside.
And who doesn’t love Dave Brubeck! One of the highlights of my life was seeing him live at the Blue Note in NYC 2 years ago, just days away from his 9oth birthday.
(Funny aside: We got there So Early so we’d have good seats, and indeed we did! Ended up meeting some nice tablemates and shared the space with the photographer from the New York Times, who caught Retro Roadhusband snapping a phone photo of the jazz legend (Embarrassing aside – Mod Betty had one too many sidecars that evening, and was overexhuberant when meeting Tony Bennett as he exited the venue!!))
Click here to check out more of videographer Andrew Wood’s Animated Neon Signs – what a great collection!
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