Does that decision you are making drive you closer to – or further away…
The only thing worse than starting something and failing… Is not starting…
Today is the Day to Drive in the Direction of your Dreams! – Mod Betty…
Feel it. Fuel it! FLOOR IT! – Mod Betty #justdriveyourlife
To Live a Life You’ve Never Lived You have to do things You’ve Never Done.…
Love Yourself. It’s the quickest route to happiness! — Mod Betty
Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what…
You are becoming a better driver with each mile you drive towards your destination.…
February 2020: after 80 years DeStarrs has closed. Original 2017 Post: Keep…
Don’t allow the scared kids in the back seat to veer you off course.…
You know what helps you get what you want in life? Ask for exactly what it is that you…