Retro Roadmap Video #2 – Live! Weber’s Root Beer Stand Stratford, NJ
Retro Roadmap video#2 is up for your viewing pleasure! Mod Betty gets some “seasonal food” at a South Jersey root beer stand! http://youtu.be/pYFNSgiLrIU Enjoy!
Retro Roadmap video#2 is up for your viewing pleasure! Mod Betty gets some “seasonal food” at a South Jersey root beer stand! http://youtu.be/pYFNSgiLrIU Enjoy!
Just had to share this photo from our video shoot yesterday – that’s not a model, but she could be! She’s the pharmacist at Adams & Bright Drugs, in Hamburg PA. Can’t wait to share the story with you all! We shot 2 videos yesterday which is a lot to
Retro Roadhusband and I were driving Retro Roaddog to the kennel the other day when I saw something that made me pull into the parking lot, snap a photo and say, “NOOOOOO!!!!!” Regular Retro Roadmap Readers know what a soft spot I have for The Fisherman, a pristine time warp
Howdy Retro Roadmap Readers! Mod Betty is trying to wrangle together all of the places she can get in touch with folks – some of you are on FB, some of you email me, some of you are part of the Kickstarter mailing list – you’re all in different places!
2016 Good News – Pat’s Concrete is still open! We thought that Pat’s Concrete was closing, but the good news is, they’re still open! I am pleased to learn that folks are still heading over to her shop to buy some of her classic lawn kitsch! This is great because not only
Mod Betty is excited to announce the very first Retro Roadmap video from our successful Kickstarter campaign is up and live on the Retro Roadmap Youtube channel! Retro Roadmap Video Series Episode 1: Mod Betty goes to the Drive-In! This entire video series would not have been possible without the
A Twitter pal kindly reminded me of the nice chat I had with the Bettys over at Betty Magazine UK = and how great is it that the idea of a summer Retro Roadtrip across the US is a worldwide idea of fun* Here’s the link to the interview –
Hey gang – As you know I’m committed to making Retro Roadmap THE resource for cool vintage places, and this means that on very rare occasions I’ll be adding a lot of spots to the map in bulk. I usually don’t have time to do this because I work full-time outside
OH the fun we had! OH the vintage dresses and outfits we finally got to wear! YES, Mod Betty and Retro Roadhusband had an absolute BLAST at The Hukilau 2014! This was our first, but you would not know it from the amount of swell folks who made us feel
Retro Roadhusband and I have for the past many years hosted our own Luau on the patio (and sometimes in the garage) of our Hacienda. This was mainly because we could never coordinate our schedule to attend the official Hukilau in Fort Lauderdale Florida. But Not No More! Yep! We’re
Every time I drive past this adorable little vintage car I smile! It’s owned by my neighbor down the street and she’s promised to give me the details on it AND take me for a spin in it this summer. Isn’t it just too cute for words?! A total Mod
Just heard about this on the radio and thought it would be of interest to Retro Roadmap Readers – especially since it’s interesting to Mod B:-) America’s Road: The Journey of Route 66 May 31, 2014 – August 24, 2014 This exhibit takes visitors on a geographical and historical tour of the
Thank you to everyone who came on over to the Retro Roadmap website and commented – David and Sarah your tee shirts will be mailed on Monday! It’s always better to post a comment on RetroRoadmap.com instead of the Facebook page especially because I’ll be randomly rewarding commenters as the mood
Mod Betty is in a Giving kinda mood, so she’s giving away some tee shirts! Want one? To paraphrase my pal Kelly at the Velveteen Lounge Kitschen… ALL YOU DO IS…find a Retro Roadmap post (on this here website, not the FB page or any other place) that you like,
And here’s the link! The National Trust for Historic Preservation: [Retro Roadmap] The Clam Box in Ipswich, Mass.