Lobster Rolls since 1938 – Red’s Eats – Wiscasset ME – ayuh!

Wiscasset, ME

    • road_maven
      August 25, 2012 at 7:01 am

      Wiscasset was also known for the Hesper and the Luther Little, two, four masted schooners that were tied up along the Sheepscot River, just south of Route 1. They were built in the beginning of the last century and bought at auction in the 1930’s by a local man for the purpose of transporting lumber and coal. Unfortunately, the two ships lay grounded on the mud flats and slowly rotted away, not going anywhere. However, during that time, the Hesper and the Luther Little became the most photographed and painted shipwrecks in the world. Visit http://wms.wiscasset.k12.me.us/wh/schoon for more information.

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