February 2021 Update: You never know until you put it out there, what cool stuff you may learn! Our friend Deek (famous for RelaxShacks) sorts of fame besides this, like posted this info about Louis' on the Retro Roadmap Facebook Page that I had NO IDEA ABOUT, and he said I could reprint it here:
"Derek Diedricksen Relatives of mine- who hold the claim/patent for the invention of the hamburger. If you go in there, while in line, look to your left near the ceiling- all framed sketches my great grandfather did (Theodore Diedricksen- former head professor of art at Yale). We used to know Ken Lassen well (dead for some time now- grandson of THE "Louis")....
Ken Lassen (my grandfathers cousin) told us that there are only two places in the world that service parts for those cast iron vertical cookers they use for their burgers.
The rear "brick room" was a later addition- it is built from donated bricks that people gave one by one from around the world- each bearing a different stamp, logo, or mark of origin.
They still hand grind all the meat in the basement- there is a hatch under the floor behind the service counter. Ken Lassen still worked there well into his 80s before he passed. PS- that building wasn't in that original spot on Crown St- it was moved there by truck when they had to vacate the old location...."
Original 2015 Post:
Retro Roadhusband and I often lamented in the past that Connecticut was just a rectangle of land that always got in the way of the places we wanted to go to. This was before we learned to slow down and learn about all of the awesome Roadfood available in the Nutmeg State. Now we can't wait to add on an hour or so to every jaunt through New England, just to be able to partake of the clam pizza, hot lobster rolls, steamed cheeseburgers, oh boy!
It wasn't until our most recent journey that we finally made it to one of the culinary landmarks of the state - Louis' Lunch in downtown New Haven. Our bad for having taken so long to try out this historic establishment.
We were late getting there years-wise, but early minutes-wise / Louis’ doesn’t open until noon on Saturdays, so we hopped in line with everyone else!
Established in 1895, they claim to be the birthplace of the hamburger sandwich, and who am I to doubt them? They still cook and serve them the old fashioned way, using old-fangled equipment and arcane rules of conduct that make the your visit memorable.
No ketchup! Open at noon on Saturdays! Cash only! Served on toast! No fries, just chips or potato salad! Closed on Sundays AND Mondays AND AUGUST! Squeeze into a teeny booth! Cram onto one of the counter stools and have people order over your head!
I had heard so much about Louis' and their list of Don'ts that we entered with trepidation, but never fear! Mod Betty and Retro Roadhusband made it through, had a swell couple of burgers and a pleasant visit all 'round, and you will too, now that you know all the don'ts :-)!
A few "scuse me's" when getting through the tiny brick building to snap some photos, and we were good, even having a pleasant chat with the gent in the back when we were bussing our own tables.
If you're in New Haven and want a change from their famous pizza, do yourself a Retro Roadfavor and go to Louis'!
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