The Koolwink Motel – A Must Visit Authentic Vintage Motel! Romney WV

A Retro Roadmap Top 10 Must-Do!

    RR 50, Romney, WV 26757
  • roadsidewonders
    November 21, 2011 at 1:30 pm

    Wow, wow, wow, wow, and WOW! This is such a great find!!!! This would be perfect for a Retro Roadmap gathering!

    I have been on parts of Route 50 on my motorcycle; but somehow I’ve missed the Koolwink!

    BTW, this pic of RetroRoadHusband comes in at a close second to my favorite (his pre-hamburger mug at the Red Rabbit)

    • Mod Betty
      November 21, 2011 at 3:53 pm

      WendyVee- you’ll be thoroughly delighted with the Koolwink, and entertained to no end with Retro Roadhusband’s antics in the photos from this trip. I think he wants his own show!

  • Lizzie
    November 28, 2011 at 10:44 am

    No wonder you could not find the words: this place is incredible.

  • Laura
    February 15, 2012 at 4:14 pm

    I stayed here last august… it was soooooo cool!! I was on a solo weekend motorcycle trip and scoured the interwebs for somewhere interesting to stay. The Koolwink was a total gem. I was so thrilled with the entire experience. So happy you had a good time too!!

    • Mod Betty
      February 15, 2012 at 5:47 pm

      Laura – SO glad you enjoyed your stay as well! You’ll be delighted to know that since we had such a good time, we’ve already made reservations to head back there for a weekend in the summmer AND taking a gaggle of our friends with us. Can’t wait!

      If you do learn of any more Retro Roadmap worthy motels / hotels during your biking adventures, drop me a line! And thanks for stopping by!

  • maureen
    May 5, 2012 at 4:51 pm

    OH YEAH!!! I’m looking to maybe come here over Memorial Day weekend. It’s a 3.5 hour drive from the ‘Burgh. The diner in town looks awesome!!!

    • Mod Betty
      May 6, 2012 at 1:40 pm

      Maureen – don’t forget to tell ’em Retro Roadmap sent you! We’re actually heading there with a bunch of our friends for a Mod Betty Birthday Weekend (I’m calling it the Koolwink-End ;-)) in August and can’t wait! We didn’t do that much exploring of Romney proper so if there are things we should check out when we’re there, please report back!

  • maureen
    June 8, 2012 at 11:41 pm

    We went down over Memorial Day weekend and it rained on and off while we were there but that was okay. Not too much to do there beyond what is listed on the website. There is a community public pool a couple streets before you get to the Indian Mound Cemetery. It was closed because of the weather. I forget the name of the street but we got the info at the front desk. Go see the Indian Mound Cemetery. It’s bigger than I thought it would be. There is a monument dedicated to all of the fallen Confederate soldiers plus one of the largest Indian mounds in the area. I loved the old architecture in downtown Romney and wished we had more time so I could take more photos. If you turn left out of the driveway and go up the hill a couple miles there is a shopping center with a Food Lion, Chinese Restaurant, and movie theater and a bar that serves Mexican bar food, and a couple other store fronts. We ate Chinese our first night there. It was okay but I’ve had better. We also made a trip to Food Lion to stock the room fridge with snacks and other essentials, namely microwave dinners and breakfast entrees for the next 2 days. There are plenty of fast food places to choose from as well.
    Honestly I was happy as a clam just sitting in the room with the TV and laptop because for me the motel WAS the destination. The best part of it all was watching Mad Men in the atmosphere of the room. My husband kept waiting for the Rat Pack to show up.

    We were in the annex on the hill–Room 53, and the internet connection was iffy at best. I don’t know if it was the weather or location.

    We took the scenic route across Route 50 from Grafton WV where we got lunch at Hometown Hotdogs. A must go to restaurant if you’re in the area. From Grafton it was 88 miles to Romney. If you go this way, there are quite a few remnants of Roadside Past to note.–Old gas stations, coke signs and there was a Dairy Queen with a vintage Eskimo Pie sign attached to the roof.

    Than you so much for posting about Koolwink. Experiencing it was a true delight.

    • Mod Betty
      June 9, 2012 at 8:15 am

      Maureen! Thanks SO MUCH for the details about your stay, and I’m so happy that you had a good time. I think, for me anyways, you hit the nail on the head, with the fact that just being at the motel is so cool, that’s the reason to go. We’re heading down there in August with some pals, so I appreciate the tips, and the reminder of the Food Lion – we ended up getting snacks and drinks at the 7-11 last time. Happy Trails!

  • Michael Bann
    June 30, 2012 at 7:48 am

    I’ve visited Koolwink on two occasions and was blown away by the cleanliness and that everything was so well maintained. I’d read online reviews about it being clean and have to say it put me into a an even more critical stance…. shining lights into corners, checking for dust on the tops of doors… and am amazed to state, this place is nearly twilight zone-ish in this regard. I dare anyone to find a 5 star hotel this cared for or clean. We actually specifically went to Koolwink to shoot two photo features for Retro Lovely Magazine and are sure to return in the future for more.

    • Mod Betty
      June 30, 2012 at 8:08 am

      Michael – so glad to hear of yet another fan of The Koolwink! I’m pretty picky about cleanliness of hotel rooms, and you’re totally right! Can’t wait for our return visit in a little over a month – woo hoo!

  • Mark
    September 19, 2012 at 12:14 pm

    I’m looking for an excuse to return to the Koolwink, and a gathering this fall to take in the foliage, do a ride on the Potomac Eagle, and/or go bowling at Wilson Lanes would be perfect.

    Let me know when and I’m there!


  • Mark
    September 19, 2012 at 12:18 pm

    I think a fall group trip would be great, I’m from DC, and the Koolwink is my all-time fave motel, ever since I stayed there last summer.

    Fall foliage, bowling at Wilson Lanes, Potomac Eagle, and the motel itself, any excuse is fine.


    • Mod Betty
      September 19, 2012 at 5:16 pm

      Mark – good to know we’re not the only fans of the Koolwink out there! This fall is getting filled up pretty quickly for us, but I’m determined to make a Retro Roadmap Roundup to the Koolwink within the next year and will definitely keep you in the loop!

  • MEL
    October 5, 2012 at 10:07 pm

    I stayed at the Koolwink on a trip through Md/WV a few years ago.We were going to see Ice Mountain. It is a wonderful place to stay and I do want to go back sometime. Downtown Romney has a very cheap thrift store that has great stuff.I forgot the name of the store and its charity but it is on the main drag through Romney., I also saw the Cemetery and mound.

    • Mod Betty
      October 7, 2012 at 11:47 am

      So glad you enjoyed your stay at The Koolwink, MEL! I was just chatting with one of my pals that came on the trip and we were saying we need to start planning our next visit there. Can’t wait!

  • Dr. Knight
    February 28, 2014 at 3:16 pm

    Just a teeny correction… the heading here…..Romney is located in WEST Virginia, not Virgina…..

  • Mod Betty /
    April 6, 2015 at 1:18 pm

    Hello Jenny – hope you find or know of some authentic vintage motels in IA IL IN and MO because I haven’t traveled to those states much so I don’t have any suggestions. I have heard of Momandpopmotels – glad there are other people out there besides me who want to bring awareness!

  • Jenny
    October 15, 2018 at 10:25 pm

    This looks great and will hope to get there someday! There used to be a Jungle-land Drive-In movie in WV, near Parkersburg, I think, too… Does anyone know of any similar motels in Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, etc.? Are you familiar with

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